How It Started
The Ford Story
In 1913 Henry Ford created the first assembly line. This single invention increased his factory output by a factor of 24. It helped reduce mistakes by letting one worker specialize in a single task. It cut the cost of production and thus the price to consumers. Now in the modern era anyone can get what was once a luxury accessible to only the wealthiest customers.
The internet is today’s assembly line. We can get a purchase order on the east coast, which gets processed in the UK, assembled in Japan, and delivered in a day. What’s more important then how fast this can all happen, is how fast people expect it to happen.
NGT was founded because so many great ideas get stopped by the complexity of getting them to function in a data driven world. We’ve noticed companies that focus strictly on what they are best at, and leave their auxiliary functions to the side to review at a later date. If all every business did this there wouldn’t be an issue, the problem arises when one competitor does improve their supporting systems and suddenly their rise in efficiency makes being in competition a lot more expensive.
As Ford showed us all those years ago, you can do more with less, as long as you have the right tools.