Why hire a CONSULTANT?

Hiring a full time IT expert can easily run $75,000 to $140,000 a year in salary alone. If you add in the cost of the specialized tools and software that they will need to work at peak efficiently the expenses can really add up. Unless you are a sizable business that can hire several of these specialist to cover all the areas of expertise, and have enough technical demand to keep them active it wouldn’t make business sense to put such a large portion of your IT budget into extra staff when in reality you would get a better return by hiring a team to do the renovations.

Do I need to upgrade my systems?

Do you have an obsolescence policy in place? How many times a year do you go over the changing technical needs of your business? Do you meet the regulatory requirements for your industry? These are some of the common questions that go unanswered in most businesses and all of them are critical to the long term success of a company in the modern world.

Not knowing does not necessarily mean you need to though, it would at least mean that you do need to sit down and come up with a plan before your IT needs become IT problems.

is my Data secure?

Security breaches almost always come down to a single employee. Today’s security is all about minimizing your workers exposure to potential threats. Firewalls, Anti-Virus, Spam Filters, Administrative Policies, and User Access Levels are all ways to reduce potential threat vectors and limit damage incurred in the event of a breach.

The more safeguards you have, the less risk of exposure. It is important to break down the cost of a particular breach against the cost of a safeguard to it. Although it may seem like a great idea to have every security system under the sun protecting you this is not always the case. if you spend $100,000 a year on a system to prevent an attack that might occur once every 3 years and only cause $1,000 in damages, you are causing more damage to yourself then the attack ever could.

is the cloud for me?

This honestly depends entirely on your business model. Correctly configured Cloud systems offer amazing speed, scale, and run on an operating expense model. On-Premises systems offer finer control, the ability to generally work without an internet connection, and are a capital expense model.

Should I hire in-house IT?

If you require technical assistance on a daily basis or have plans for a long running IT project then yes you likely should hire your own in-house IT.